Headlines 09/02/2021 16:30 CH

More than 80% of patients usually recover from Covid-19 without treatment after one week

Quý Nguyễn

This is the highlight of the 2021 Decision No. 1125/QD-BYT providing instructions about medical care for patients infected with the acute respiratory disease cause by SARS-CoV-2 virus at healthcare establishments.

Instructions annexed to this Decision delineate clinical syndromes affecting patients as follows:  

- Incubation period: 2 – 14 days and 5 – 7 days on average.

- Clinical developments:

+ Most of the patients (roughly more than 80%) develop mild fever with cough, fatigue and without pulmonary inflammation, and usually recover without treatment after about 1 week (Several patients show none of clinical syndromes at all).

+ About 14% of patients with severe developments, such as pulmonary inflammation, severe pneumonia, need to be hospitalized; about 5% of them need intensive care when having such manifestations as rapid breathing, dyspnea, cyanosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, organ failure, including kidney damage and myocardial injury, causing death.

+ The average period from the appearance of initial symptoms to several developments is usually about 7 - 8 days.

+ Death occurs more often in the elderly, those who are immunocompromised with chronic comorbidities.

- Recovery period: After 7 - 10 days of full-blown symptoms, if ARDS does not appear, patients will be free of fever and their clinical signs will gradually disappear, and then they will soon recover from the disease.

- There is no evidence of any difference in the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in pregnant women.

- With regard to children, the majority of those with COVID-19 have milder clinical manifestations than adults, or have no symptoms.

Common signs and symptoms in children include fever and cough, or manifestations of pneumonia while some of them develop multiorgan inflammatory injuries such as:

Fever; erythema or corneal congestion, or swelling of the lining of the mouth, hands, or feet; circulatory failure; manifestations of impaired cardiac function and increased heart enzymes; digestive disorders; disorders of coagulation and increases in acute inflammatory indicators.

For more details, please read the Decision No. 1125/QD-BYT (in force from February 8, 2021).



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