According to this document, the Ministry of Health provides the following instructions about health insurance costs of COVID-19 tests:
- According to the service price No. 1735, cost of real-time PCR test for bacteria/viruses/fungi/parasites specified in the appendix to the Circular No. 13/2019/TT-BYT is VND 734,000/sample.
- Cost of individual sample testing according to the service price No. 1735 is VND 734,000 /sample.
If a sample collection unit needs to send samples to another facility, the Ministry of Health will estimate costs and request the health insurance fund to cover these costs according to the following approaches:
+ Cost of collection and preservation of clinical sample: VND 117,800/sample.
+ Cost of testing: VND 616,200/sample.
- Cost of pooled sample testing will follow the Ministry of Health's provisional instructions as follows:
+ Cost of collection and preservation of clinical sample: VND 100,000/sample.
+ Cost of testing is VND 634,000/sample divided by pooling times.
In case the pooled sample is tested positive, and there is a need to further test individual samples, then the cost of testing of each individual sample will be added up.
For more details, please read the Official Dispatch No. 4356/BYT-KHTC dated May 28, 2021.