- Adding the regulation under which, if persons working part-time at communes, wards or towns are signers of labor contracts, they will be classified as signers of labor contracts when participating in social insurance.
(Persons working part-time at communes, wards or towns must pay 8% of their base wage into the retirement pension and death benefit fund. Meanwhile, signers of labor contracts must pay 8% of their wage rate used as a basis for payment of SI contributions into the retirement pension and death benefit fund).
- In case where an employee quits due to any disease on the list of diseases requiring long-term treatment, adding the regulation whereunder the maximum rate of sickness insurance benefit for the number of days that does not reach a complete month is equal to that for a complete month (current regulations do not state such maximum rate).
- In case a female employee with twin or multiple pregnancies suffers the death of her babies before or after labor, her benefit period, maternity benefit and one-off benefit after childbirth will be calculated according to the number of babies that she has, including those that die after or before labor.
(Current regulations laid down in clause 3 of Article 10 in the Circular No. 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH prescribe that maternity benefits are paid per babies alive).
For more details about other new regulations, click New regulations on the compulsory social insurance in effect as from September 1.