The Government has just promulgated the Decree No. 14/2021/ND-CP, prescribing administrative penalties for violations arising from livestock production activities.
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs promulgates the Circular No. 09/2020/TT-BLDTBXH, providing guidance on implementation of the 2019 Labor Code regarding minor workers.
The Ministry of Finance has recently issued the Circular No. 14/2021/TT-BTC, regulating the collection rates and regimes for collection, payment, administration and use of fees and charges for goods and vehicles in transit.
On February 24, 2021, the Prime Minister issues the 2021’s Decision
No. 241/QD-TTg approving the national urban classification plan for the 2021-2030 period.
On February 24, 2021, the Ministry of Finance promulgates the Decree No. 12/2021/ND-CP on amendments to the Decree No.89/2013/ND-CP, providing instructions on appraisal prescribed in the Law on Prices.
On February 24, 2021, the Ministry of Transport issues the Official Dispatch No. 1485/BGTVT-VT on consistent information to be shown in the notification of transport fares; methods of declaration of motor vehicle passenger transport fares.
“I am currently given two months’ probation at a real estate company. Please let me know whether I need to earn me a social insurance policy? If not, I am wondering whether I would receive an amount equivalent to the social insurance contribution that I am not required to pay?” - This is the question of Mr. Trong Hieu in HCMC.
On February 9, 2021, the Ministry of Health issues the Decision No. 1210/QD-BYT, approving the Plan to receive, preserve, allocate and use COVID-19 vaccines secured through the COVAX Facility for the 2021-2022 period.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade promulgates the Circular No. 57/2020/TT-BCT, regulating methods of power generation and power purchase agreement pricing.
On January 25, 2021, Ministry of Finance issues the Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BTC regarding guidelines for inspection of accounting services.
General Department of Taxation issues the Official Dispatch No. 377/TCT-DNNCN regarding the increased grant of electronic tax accounts to individuals.
These regulations are enshrined in the Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC, providing instructions for management of tax agent practicing, which is issued on January 26, 2021.
Ministry of Transport promulgates the Circular No. 02/2021/TT-BGTVT dated February 4, 2021, amending the Circular No. 12/2020/TT-BGTVT, regulating the organization and management of motor vehicle transport services.
This is the highlight of the Decision 38/2020/QD-TTg on the List of high technologies receiving the investment and development priority, and the List of hi-tech products receiving the development incentive.
Ministry of Finance promulgates the Circular No. 120/2020/TT-BTC regulating trading of listed stocks, trading registration and fund certificates, corporate bonds, guaranteed warrants listed on stock exchange systems.
Ministry of Health promulgates the Circular No. 32/2020/TT-BYT regulating standards for preparation and formulation of traditional herbal medicines at traditional medicine establishments.
Ministry of Health promulgates the Circular No. 33/2020/TT-BYT regulating the list of types of medical equipment subject to technical safety and functionality inspection requirements.
Quality Control Administration (controlled by Ministry of Education and Training) issues the Notice No. 138/TB-QLCL dated February 8, 2021 on the list of educational institutions holding exams and conferring certificates.
On February 9, 2021, the Government promulgates the Decree No. 10/2021/ND-CP on management of investment and construction costs and expenses.
On February 9, 2021, the Government promulgates the Decree No. 09/2021/ND-CP on management of building materials.