
In which cases are audio or video recording activities permitted at restricted areas of airports?

Ministry of Transport issues the Circular No. 41/2020/TT-BGTVT on amendments and supplements to the Circular No. 13/2019/TT-BGTVT, elaborating on the Vietnam’s Program for airport security and airport security quality control.

Mandatory motor vehicle insurance: Maximum indemnity is 150 million dong/person/case

On January 15, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issues the Circular No. 04/2021/TT-BTC, elaborating on several articles of the Decree No. 03/2021/ND-CP on compulsory insurance for civil liability of motor vehicle owners.

Eligibility requirements for science and technology enterprise's entitlement to CIT reduction and exemption policies

The Ministry of Finance has recently issued the Circular No. 03/2021/TT-BTC, providing instructions for granting CIT (corporate income tax) exemption and reduction incentives to science and technology enterprises as provided in the Decree No. 13/2019/ND-CP dated February 1, 2019.

Mandatory motor vehicle and motorbike insurance: 8 cases in which coverage disclaimer clauses are applied

This is the highlight of the Decree No. 03/2021/NĐ-CP regarding compulsory insurance for civil liability of road vehicle owners.

Sample notices of offering and issuance of stocks are coming in use as of February 15, 2021

The Ministry of Finance promulgates the Circular No. 118/2020/TT-BTC, providing instructions about the offering and issuance of stocks, public tender offer, redemption, registration of public companies and cancellation of registration of public companies.

Principles of formulation of securities companies’ charter are now in effect

This is the highlight of the 2020’s Circular No. 121/TT-BTC regarding operations of securities companies.

Supreme People’s Court to explain several signs facing corruption charges

On December 30, 2020, the Judicial Panel of the Supreme People’s Court has issued the Resolution No. 03/2020/NQ-HĐTP providing instructions about implementation of several regulations laid down in the 2015 Criminal Code on court proceedings against corruption and other position-related crimes.

07 improvements in quality and food safety inspection of imported goods are now in effect

The Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 38/QĐ-TTg on approval of the Project on reform of quality and food safety inspection model for imported goods (shortly called Project).

Criteria for eligibility to receive a sum of 1 million dong as financial support for each unionist for Vietnamese Tet holidays

Vietnam General Confederation of Labor issues the Decision No. 1921/QD-TLD regarding support for unionists or workers stricken by the Covid-19 epidemic and natural disasters in 2020 on 2021 Tet vacation.

Rights of foreign securities companies’ branches in Vietnam are now regulated

The Ministry of Finance issues the Circular No. 97/2020/TT-BTC dated November 16, 2020, providing instructions about operations of representative offices, branches of foreign securities companies, fund management companies in Vietnam.

New regulations on providing fire safety equipment for road vehicles are now ready to take effect

The Ministry of Public Security promulgates the Circular No. 148/2020/TT-BCA, amending the Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BCA providing instructions about fire safety equipment mounted on road vehicles, including:

Requirements for providing securities as margins for clearing transactions

On December 31, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issues the Circular No. 119/2020/TT-BTC, regulating registration, depositing, clearing and settlement of securities trades.

Vietnam’s tariff schedule of exported and imported services to be issued

Recently, the Prime Minister has issued the Tariff Schedule listing out and describing exported and imported services of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as Schedule) which is annexed to the Decision No. 01/2021/QD-TTg.

After Tet, commercial international flights are planned to resume

The Government’s Office issues the Official Dispatch No. 208/VPCP-QHQT setting out regulations on carrying out flights to bring Vietnamese citizens from abroad in the 1st quarter of 2021.

Requirements for online enterprise registration applications are now available in use

On January 4, 2021, the Government promulgates the Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP regarding enterprise registration.

Flights from countries infected with new coronavirus strain are temporarily suspended

This is the highlight of the Directive No. 01/CT-TTg regarding the strengthened prevention and control of the COVID-19 disease.

04 cases of spontaneous fire and rescue services inspection

On December 23, 2020, the Ministry of Public Security promulgates the Circular No. 141/2020/TT-BCA, regulating inspection of fire safety and rescue services of people's public security forces.

11 occupations cause adverse impacts on male workers’ fertility

This is the highlight of the Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BLDTBXH, providing instructions for implementation of several regulations of the 2019 Labor Code.

Regulatory requirements for financial companies' granting equity investment credit facilities

Circular No. 23/2020/TT-NHNN regulates the prudential limits and ratios of non-bank credit institutions.

2 types of interbank fund transfer service fees continue to be decreased by 50%

Circular No. 19/2020/TT-NHNN dated December 30, 2020 regulates amendments and supplements to certain articles of the Circular No. 26/2013/TT-NHNN, adopting the Schedule of Fees for Payment Services via the State Bank of Vietnam.

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